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our mission

Making Disciples of Jesus Christ, Here, There & Everywhere


We are a vital community of believers who take The Great Commission seriously.  God will bless our church and those whom we serve because of our steadfast commitment to this fundamental calling from our Lord and Savior.

5 keys

Discover Mount Pisgah's Keys to Discipleship

We frame the Great Commission in light of Jesus’ promises just before His Ascension:


But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts 1:8)


Our mission field refers to physical places, but also constituencies:


By “Here” we mean embracing those people who walk through our doors in search of spiritual meaning, particularly focused on our discipling and shepherding efforts


By “There” we mean our larger immediate circle, including our local community and North Georgia.  We strive to show love and compassion through our Service and Caring ministries (NFCC, Disaster Relief, Nursing Homes, Celebrate Recovery, etc.). Our congregants will have a bias to be invitational to individuals and our broader local community


By “Everywhere” we mean outside of our North Georgia region, to a national and international circle (Global Missions, etc.)


We will continually seek God’s Will as we determine how and where we use the resources He has provided to us.

our vision

A Vital Church, Transforming Lives, Expanding God’s Kingdom


We are a passionate community of believers that extend out in a series of generational, cultural, and vocational branches — rooted in the wholeness, health and vitality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am the true vine, and my father is the gardener … Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.  (John 15:1-4)


Our spirit is renewed and hearts are transformed. Here the Body of Christ takes shape. Christ’s grace, mercy and salvation have made us a new creation, but His work in us is far from over. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. –Romans 12:2


We strive to expand Christ’s kingdom in breadth and depth by being His hands and feet, by loving those in our lives as Christ first loved us. We give hope to the hopeless, shelter to the fatherless, a compass for the lost, a voice for those who cannot speak on their own.

our values

Our CORE VALUES define our identity.

They are the things we hold sacred and indisputable. They are the heart and soul of who we are as a church body. They are our DNA.


A People Focused on the Good News

We believe in the authenticity of the Bible, and that scripture is the highest source of authority for God’s plan for His people. The Gospels are our foundation of what we believe, and what we do.


A Place to Call Home

We are an independent, Wesleyan-based body of believers. We gather from Here, There, and Everywhere. We embrace and love people of all ages, races, backgrounds, marital status, and spiritual maturity, united by the redemption Jesus Christ has given us. We are passionate about helping people experience the transforming love of Jesus Christ, and to become fully devoted followers of Him. This is reflected in our Christ-centered worship experience, our small groups, and our ministries.


A Partner for Spiritual Growth

We make disciples of Jesus Christ. This is as much a mindset as it is a mission. Mount Pisgah provides tools, training, environments, and experiences that nurture a growing faith relationship with Jesus Christ, but we believe every individual must embrace his/her own spiritual journey. Mount Pisgah equips the called to spread the Good News of the Gospel to whomever, whenever, and wherever. Sundays are just the beginning.

A Platform that Launches Us to Serve

We serve as the hands and feet of Christ. We engage the community at the point of their need and share Christ’s love with them in practical ways. This may be in our communities, workplaces, homes, or wherever God calls us. He gave us the chance to see that no one is undeserving of God’s love – and no time or place is without an occasion to be the feet and hands of Jesus. This is the heart of how we Love God – Love People.

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