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& Membership

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Baptism and Membership

Holy Baptism and Church Membership are steps in our Christian faith journey that we have the honor of celebrating on a regular basis. 

Holy Baptism is a wonderful sacrament of the church that affirms our covenant with God and with our faith community. At Mount Pisgah, we celebrate both infant and new believers baptism by sprinkling, pouring or immersion in our heated outdoor baptismal pool. Through infant baptism, parents make a commitment to raise the child in the faith community until such time (normally Confirmation) that a child professes his or her faith for themselves and becomes a full member of the church. We believe and practice only one Holy Baptism and recognize Baptism by other faith communities.  

Through membership vows (following Holy Baptism) we covenant to formally become a part of Christ’s Holy Church and support His Church with our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. We receive new members either through Confirmation and profession of faith, profession of faith or by transferring a membership letter from another church. 

If you have discerned a greater desire to learn more about Holy Baptism, profession of faith and/or Church membership, we invite you to submit the form below or feel free to contact Pat Thomas at to begin the conversation and to continue the journey that Christ has started in you. We would be honored to answer your questions and schedule a time during one of our worship service to welcome you into the family of faith at Mount Pisgah. 

Thanks for submitting!

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