We provide hope, healing, and love for everyone, whether in person or online. As the Pastor of Caring, my role is to ensure that everyone feels seen, heard, and supported. We offer a variety of ministries and services designed to uplift and empower our community, and we are here to walk alongside you in whatever journey you are on. If you are looking for support, encouragement, or a place to grow in your faith, you’ve come to the right place. We invite you to learn about our programs, and connect with us. Our doors are always open, and we are eager to welcome you into our family. May you find peace and comfort here, and may God's love guide you always.
Valorie Deel
Pastor Of Caring
I Need Help with Dinner Meals for Myself and Family...
Loving Meals is a ministry designed to provide support through meals to people who are experiencing difficult times due to surgery, delivery of a baby, medical treatments and for many other reasons. Loving Meals volunteers are the hands and feet of Christ to the Body of Christ.
Meals are delivered to homes in disposable containers with no expectation of a visit from the person receiving the meal. Volunteers simply deliver the meal and leave. We will work out a delivery schedule with you as well as any dietary restrictions so you can be ministered to in Christ’s love.

I Am In Need of Prayer...
Mount Pisgah embraces the power of prayer. We are called to call on the name of Jesus for healing, strength, power and to stay in communion with Him.
Prayer Requests:
We want to have our prayer team confidentially pray for you.
Email us for care: caring@mountpisgah.org
Or, click the button below

I Need a Stephen Minister...
Stephen Ministry is a one-on-one, confidential ministry focused on listening, caring, and providing support during life’s challenges. When you need someone that is not quite as close to the situation you are in, a Stephen Minister can be there as a third party, listening with no judgment toward you, your situation, or others involved in your situation. You meet with your Stephen Minister once a week for an hour. Stephen Ministers are placed with a care receiver of same gender and you are your Stephen Minister’s only care receiver. Care receivers may be going through challenges such as: Divorce, Terminal illness Loneliness, Terminal illness of a loved one Spiritual confusion or frustration, Caregiving Empty nest adjustments Forgiveness issues, New baby, Grieving Death of someone close, Loss of pregnancy, Illness, and more.

Finally Free Post-Abortive Healing Group
Finally Free: A Post-Abortive Support Group.
Our gatherings offer a safe and loving environment where you can embrace God's grace. Together, we lean on the strength of our faith, finding healing in scripture and prayer, and supporting each other on the journey to emotional and spiritual freedom. Join us as we walk this path of restoration and discover the profound peace that comes from God's unending love and mercy.
I Need a Hospital Visit...
We want to come alongside you during this time of challenge.
Call or email us for care: 678-336-3231 or caring@mountpisgah.org
Or, click the button below

My Loved One Has Passed Away...
We are so very sorry for your loss and want to support you through this time.
Call or email us for care: 678-336-3231 or caring@mountpisgah.org
Or, click the button below